Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Good Tuesday

Tuesdays are my day off and it is always a struggle fining something affordable and fun to do with the tweebs.  On the other side I leave the house feeling guilty, thinking I really should be doing the laundry, studying for the test coming up, or listening to the lawn mower run while I guide it across my mile high field.

Well today I left with a little guilt, but the guilt was gone by what I accomplished by 2pm.  We left at 9:10 to be at the theater by 10am, made it their with a little time to spare.  Regal cinemas are offering $1 movies this summer, yes $1!!!! So I spent a whooping 3 bucks!!!!! Across the way from our Regal there is a glorious ColdStone and I had a coupon!!!! The tweebs were very happy, so was my wallet, $3.15 later!!! We then ventured to Toys R' Us with my daughter's birthday card from them, which had a $3 gift card in it, which she spent wisely, which I will share in a moment.

Then to the mall.....oh gosh this will hurt, I'm thinking.  Though part of me says do a little school shopping now then it won;t hurt as bad in a month right???? Well, I was right.

My 11 year old son that is the size of an adult, and costs me a fortune to cloth, was very proud when we walked out of the mall.  He scored Hollister jeans for $10, American Eagle Tee for $7, and 2 Aeropostale shirts for $4 each, whopping total of $25.  If he could do carts wheels I'm sure he would have!!! Instead he said Mom thanks for my clothes, I love them! (which is better in my eyes)

My 8, soon to be 30 daughter made out a little less better but still decent.  We ventured into Justice, which yes I had a coupon, so to the back of the store we went.  Clearance take an extra 40% then I had a coupon take 40% more, not bad, her total for a pair of jeans and a really nice plaid button down shirt for a total of $17.

Today's total $48.15, for a little fun, a little food, a few clothes, and no guilt!!

Now for my daughter's shopping, she purchased a plastic farm set with animals, fences, and trees.  She came home, got a shoe box and some craft supplies.  She proceeded to the driveway and made herself her own farm box complete with blue skies and dirt!! Love her imagination!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's my daughter...very good with her $$. No splurging and only purchasing whats necessary unlike her mother, who likes to buy things she doesn't need but does because she can. Your children (my grandchildren) are proud of their mom just like I am. Your going somewhere with your life and you deserve it all. Although the tweebs give you a hard time occasionally they know you are doing for them what is best and they'll understand maybe not now but in the future that you did it all for them. So that they can have a better life and a mom that they can say "THIS IS OUR MOM, and we're proud of her because she was always there for us!!!! Yeah, mom!!!! You've done a great job!!!!
